Home HouseplantsProblems & How To Fix Help! My Hoya Is Not Growing

Help! My Hoya Is Not Growing

by a Friendly Gardener
Hoya compacta won't grow

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by a Friendly Gardener

As gardeners, whether indoors or outdoors, we delight in observing our plants grow, flower, and even produce fruit or plantlets. Whenever a plant seems to stop growing, it can be unsettling. This is especially true with lovely hoya plants. In the case of a hoya plant not growing, there is more than one cause, so to remedy the situation, it’s important to identify the reason for your hoya not growing.


Why Is My Hoya Not Growing?

Causes of hoya not growing

Hoyas are wonderful houseplants however depending on the species, their likes and dislikes differ. Some may prefer warmth and humidity while others enjoy lower environmental temperatures. Hoyas with thicker textured foliage prefer less water while those producing thinner leaves drink more. So, the place to begin is by identifying the hoya species you are cultivating and your species’ growth habits. If your type of hoya generally has a rapid growth habit but your plant appears to be sluggish, then consider environmental conditions as the probable cause.

Environmental causes may include insufficient light, overwatering, poor drainage, low humidity, pest infestations, or fertilization and acclimation issues. Hoyas are known to grow a bit more slowly than other houseplants and then have a sudden burst of growth. If environmental conditions are not correct, they can stop growth altogether.


Why Is My Hoya Kerrii Not Growing?

Hoya kerrii not growing

The Hoya Kerrii is a beloved species that appears rather motionless in growing terms. Often acquired as a single heart-shaped leaf in a small pot, especially when Valentine’s Day rolls around, they often do not exhibit growth. They are evergreen and continue to look healthy, but if a small piece of stem is not attached to these leaf cuttings, they will not readily produce new foliage. If, however, you take good care of your plant, it will eventually produce new growth, it may just take years, so be patient.


Possible Causes Why a Hoya Is Not Growing

Hoya has not grown in months

Here are several of the most common reasons that a hoya does not appear to be growing with recommendations on how to stimulate your plant’s growth.



If you are used to house plants that acclimate immediately after relocation or repotting, know that the hoya does not necessarily belong to this category. If your hoya looks healthy but doesn’t seem to be growing, give it some time to acclimate.


What to do

In this case, it is more of what you should not do:

  • Do not move the plant around a lot, changing locations continually.
  • Water sparingly.
  • Avoid feeding it with chemical fertilizers.


Insufficient Light

In their natural habitats, hoya plants enjoy bright light that is filtered from harsh direct sun exposition. They do not do well in dim light conditions. There will be some variation among hoya species, but they all should be provided with bright, indirect light. If you are cultivating your hoya outdoors it will require some protection. Excessive sunlight can also inhibit growth.


What to do

If your species has a slow growth rate and has a proper indirect bright light, consider cleaning the leaves of dust to enable photosynthesis. If you are cultivating your hoya indoors, know that these plants can benefit from grow lights. Consider providing a period of twelve hours of light followed by twelve hours of darkness.


Improper Watering

Hoya houseplants mistakes

Both too little water and too much water can harm your hoya plant. Hoyas are epiphytes, so they prefer moist soil, but because they have very small root systems, they can easily become overwhelmed by improper watering.


What to do

To ensure a proper watering routine, let the top one to two inches of the soil bed dry out before you water your plant again. Still, as hoya varieties vary in their preferences, it’s wise to research the variety of hoya you have. Grow your hoya in a smallish container so that excess soil will not retain excess water, leaving root systems struggling. Always empty saucers or decorative pots of excess water after watering and draining.


Inadequate Drainage

Soggy soil will not only inhibit growth by can lead to root rot and death. Soggy soil is generally caused by overwatering; however, the soil mix and the container can also be a problem.


What to do

Cultivate your hoya in a pot with several drainage holes so that excess water can drain out. Select a soil mixture that offers minimal water retention to protect root systems. While hoyas are not fussy about the soil mix, it must be well-draining. You can mix your hoya’s growing medium using 2 parts quality potting soil, one part bark chips, and one part perlite to ensure proper drainage. If you want to purchase a soil mix, try succulent or cactus potting mixes.


Humidity Issues

Hoya obovata growing without leaves

In general, hoyas love humidity. If you have eliminated other potential causes, consider that the environmental humidity may be insufficient. Even if a hoya plant can tolerate low humidity levels, this is not to say they don’t enjoy higher humidity and may show this by increasing growth.


What to do

Consider cultivating your hoya in a bathroom or kitchen where humidity levels are usually a bit higher. You can also introduce a space humidifier or a pebble tray beneath your hoya plant’s container. Note that high humidity facilitates fungal infections. To contrast this risk, ensure that the area where your hoya plant is positioned has excellent airflow.


Improper Pots

If your plant’s pot is too big, this can increase the risk of overwatering. With a larger pot, the soil will require more time to dry out.


What to do

Repot in a smaller container.


Temperature Fluctuations

Hoyas like warm climates. When temps drop below preferred ranges, they will interrupt growth. Hoyas will slow their growth at 60°F. A fall to 50°F will damage the plant. Your plant also needs to be protected from cold drafts. If your Hoya experiences cooler temperatures, it may enter dormancy or go semi-dormant, meaning it will cease growth.


What to do

Place your plant in a location where temperatures are constant and measure between 68° and 75°F.


Feeding Issues

Hoyas do not need to be fertilized much, as they are not heavy feeders. Problems are connected to overfeeding.


What to do

Only feed during the growing season. Dilute the fertilizer to 25% of the manufacturer’s recommended dosage. Do not feed during dormancy and do not feed if the plant is not exhibiting growth. To aid in avoiding salt or chemical buildup in soil beds, flush your plant’s soil bed when watering every so often and allow for complete drainage.


A Final Thought

Why is my hoya not growing

Analyze all environmental conditions and care routines if your hoya plant is not growing. By identifying the cause, you can adjust your care routine to help your hoya plant in its growth habit.

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