Home HouseplantsCare & How To The Sophisticated Elegant Feather Plant

The Sophisticated Elegant Feather Plant

by a Friendly Gardener
Plant like cactus growing

Last Updated on September 9, 2023 by a Friendly Gardener

The elegant feather plant is fittingly named—these feathery, soft evergreen plants lend any space a sophisticated touch. These plants are commonly used as fillers and border plants in gardens, requiring only basic care, and are therefore a popular option.

Given this, adding the elegant feather plant to your garden is a no-brainer, especially if you’re a serious gardening enthusiast (bragging rights, for the win!). Here’s everything you need to know about growing the plant and caring for it.


About the Elegant Feather Plant


Scientifically known as the Eupatorium capillifolium, the elegant feather plant is known colloquially as dog fennel and sometimes as sneezeweed. This perennial plant is a herbaceous member of the Asteraceae family and is quite commonly found in parts of the United States that stretch from Florida to Texas.

These plants line many roads, paths, fields, clearings, forest borders, and grounds in their native environments, and are commonly considered weeds, but in a garden setting, they can add quite an aesthetic flair to the space.

Elegant feather plants can grow anywhere between 50 centimeters (around 20 inches) and 2 meters (around 78 inches) in height, featuring multiple stems sprouting from a thick base. A defining factor is the dissected leaves that resemble green ribbons or threads.

These plants also spread quite wide, spreading out to at least a meter when they’re between two and five years of age.

Unlike most other plants, elegant feather plants bloom between September and November and do well in hardiness zones 5 to 9.


Elegant Feather Plant Care

Elegant plume

Elegant feather plant care is quite simple since these plants grow in abundance in the wild. However, a few pointers will help elegant feather plants thrive in your garden!


Light Requirements

Elegant feather plants do well in full sunlight and can also survive in partial shade. These hardy plants can survive in any lighting condition other than extremely dim light, just as they do in the wild.

The best lighting conditions for these plants are the hot afternoon sun, with some shade.


Soil and Fertilizer Requirements

Elegant feather plants can tolerate most types of soil, including sandy, chalky, loamy, and clay soil. All that it requires is that the soil be well-draining and moderately fertile. It can also survive at any pH level, whether neutral, alkaline, or acidic.

These plants don’t need to be fed fertilizer, given their hardiness. If you do want to apply fertilizer, use liquid, diluted fertilizer occasionally during the spring and summer months. Avoid fertilizing in the winter, but if you must, a liquid fertilizer, diluted to half-strength, can be applied once a month.

Opt for nitrogen-rich fertilizers, as these encourage the foliage to grow; fertilizers with low nitrogen will encourage flowering, instead, which this plant is not given to.

When you’re planting elegant feather plants in your garden, make sure you leave plenty of space around the plant. These plants can multiply quickly and compete strongly with other plants for space and resources. You don’t want to risk other plants getting destroyed or your elegant feather plants themselves getting destroyed.


Humidity and Heat Requirements

Elegant feather plants are not fussy when it comes to heat and humidity. These plants can thrive in a range of humidity and heat conditions, but similar to their native environments, it’s best that the air is kept dry around them.


Water Requirements

Elegant feather plant

Elegant feather plants are extremely drought resistant and don’t need much water to survive. However, these plants need moist soil at all times to grow well; letting the soil dry completely will harm the plant, possibly even killing it.

Water the plant at least once or twice a week, ensuring that the soil doesn’t dry out. You may have to water more frequently during the hot and humid months while making sure that the soil can retain sufficient moisture for the plant.

If you live in an area with no or little rainfall, watering daily is a must, but only enough to moisten the soil. Overwatering can lead to root rot and attract a range of pests and insects, and in the worst case, to the plant’s death.


Pests and Problems

Elegant feather plants are typically given to serious diseases and pest infestations. However, you should keep an eye out for regular pesky visitors such as powdery mildew, leaf miners, slugs, and aphids.


Propagating Elegant Feather Plants

Elegant feather plant growing

Elegant feather plant propagation is as simple as elegant feather plant care! These plants have a great ability to multiply on their own, efficiently resprouting from broken stems, but if you want to quickly propagate them, you can do so with stem cuttings and seeds.

Stem cuttings are more efficient; seed propagation, in general, has a low success rate. You can take a cutting, two to three inches in size, from a healthy plant, and use it for propagation. Place this cutting in water and wait for roots to emerge before transferring it. Rooting hormones may also help quicken the development of roots.

You can propagate the plant at any time of the year, including the cooler months.


Are Elegant Feather Plants Toxic?

All parts of the elegant feather plant can be toxic when ingested, causing gastric issues and intestinal irritation in both humans and animals. These symptoms could quickly become fatal if not treated in time.

Therefore, it’s best to grow the plant in an area that pets and small children don’t frequent.

Additionally, the plant’s leaves emit a foul odor when crushed; while this isn’t toxic, it can be quite unpleasant.


Wrapping Up

Many people tend to look down on elegant feather plants since they’re so commonly found, even considering them weeds. In fact, you’re more likely to find guides that tell you how to get rid of them, instead of nurturing them.

However, if you do choose to add this plant to your garden, the results are quite rewarding. Additionally, these plants are so easy to care for that you couldn’t kill them if you tried!

Quite gorgeous, elegant feather plants make great fillers and give your garden an ethereal look with their unique foliage.

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