Home HouseplantsCare & How To Care Conditions for the Forgetii Plant

Care Conditions for the Forgetii Plant

by a Friendly Gardener
Anthurium plant care

Last Updated on January 6, 2023 by a Friendly Gardener

The forgetii plant, botanically known as Anthurium forgetii, belongs to the Araceae family. This plant has its origins in Colombia and is mainly characterized by its unbroken leaf structure along with the prominent white-silver veins.

The leaves of this plant are usually dark green in color, not to mention that each leaf usually ends up growing quite large.

These plants, when growing in the wild, are sometimes epiphytic, which means they usually grow on other plants and trees and rely on the air for most of their moisture and nutrients.

However, you can still easily grow this plant on your own and learn how to take good care of it. Here is what you need to know about this.


Ways of Growing the Forgetii Plant

Anthurium Forgetti Care

There are several ways in which you can grow this plant on your own. You might not actually be able to locate the seeds for this plant too easily, so your best bet is to find a mature plant of the same kind and cut out some of its stems.

You can also simply cut out the smaller pups or plantlings at the base of this plant and grow them directly in the soil.

To understand how to propagate this plant in a more detailed manner, you can go through the following steps.


  • If you are using stem cuttings, you might need to apply rooting hormone to each piece so that the roots can form more easily and quickly. You can then either place the cuttings in water for a few weeks until the roots form or you can directly sow them in soil.
  • For the pups, clean them up and leave them in the air to heal a bit before planting them in the soil.
  • Once your cuttings or pups are ready for planting, take a pot or container and lower these in the soil without damaging the roots.
  • Cover them with a layer of soil and other relevant materials and transfer the pot to a suitably bright location.


It is only once you carry these steps out that you will be able to observe and track the growth of your plant. The specific care instructions for this plant are in the next section, but make sure you make certain accommodations based on where you live and how the plant seems to be doing.


Forgetii Plant Care Requirements

Forgetti plant in pot

This plant does not have very high maintenance needs. As long as you provide some basic care and attention to this plant, it should be able to grow well on its own, although there are a few issues that you will need to avoid.

Some specifications when it comes to the forgetii plant’s care are as follows.


Light and Temperature

It is perfectly okay to keep the forgetii plant in the usual plant spots, such as windows, balconies, tables or desks, as long as those spots receive a good amount of bright sunlight.

However, harsh and straight sunlight can end up damaging the plant.

You should also maintain temperatures between 60°F and 80°F without exposing your plant to extreme temperatures.



It is crucial for you to get the soil for this plant right. See if you can buy loose and coarse soil from the store so that it can be well-draining enough. If not, you can simply add a few substances to it, such as sand, moss, bark, dried leaves, gravel, perlite, peat, and others.



Watering exotic plant

You should water this plant on a fairly frequent basis since this plant does pretty well in moisture. It is also important to keep the soil moist and damp enough at most times without letting all of it dry out between each watering.

Ideally, only the topmost layer of the soil should become dry.



This plant does not usually require too much nutrition from the soil, but it can always help to give your plant a push if it does not grow well on its own. Use a diluted and balanced fertilizer and feed it to the soil once or twice during the months of spring and summer.

Minimize both watering and fertilizing in the colder months.



This plant enjoys its humidity. Keeping the humidity levels at around 60% or even 70% can be great for this plant. If your climate is generally humid, this should be enough, although you can also use humidifiers or water trays to support the plant if it gets too dry.



The flowers bloom in the growing season and are usually white in color and grow on a separate stalk. After the flower’s lifespan, you can simply pluck it out of the plant so that the rest of the plant can continue thriving.


Potting and Repotting

Exotic ornamental plants

You can use any standard ceramic or clay pot or container for your plant as long as it comes with a drainage hole. Repotting is generally not a concern here due to the slow growth rate of this plant, although if you can see the roots growing out of the drainage hole, you should repot the plant.



Anthurium Forgetii Plant Care

Given its slow and restrained growth, you might not have to prune this plant too much. However, if there are withering leaves or browning stems, you should cut those off before they spread to the rest of the plant.


Potential Issues

Pests and diseases might prove to be troublesome. Pests like insects and small bugs can eat your plant’s leaves and spread infections while improper care can lead to diseases like root and stem rot, white and brown spots, paling leaves, and soft and unseemly stems, among others.


In Summary

That brings us to the end of this care guide for forgetii plants. Either buy a sapling from a plant store or propagate it on your own using pups or stem cuttings, following which you can establish a maintenance schedule for this plant.

If there are times when your plant does not seem to be doing well, try adjusting some of the conditions and repot the plant if you need to.

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