Home HouseplantsCare & How To Amazing Ground Cover: Hearts and Flowers Plant

Amazing Ground Cover: Hearts and Flowers Plant

by a Friendly Gardener
Hearts and flowers

Last Updated on January 5, 2023 by a Friendly Gardener

If you are looking for an amazing ground cover, the Flowers and Hearts plant will certainly live up to expectations. This colorful succulent is botanically known as the Mesembryanthemum Cordifolium and formerly as the Aptenia Cordifolia. It hails from South Africa’s eastern. Bright green heart-shaped leaves frame bright magenta blossoms with yellow stamens. These flowers measure approximately a half-inch to an inch in size and resemble tiny daisies. They will open in the daytime and close again at night.

Its colorful appearance brings a splash of color wherever it is cultivated, and outdoors you should notice local butterflies and bees coming to visit. It is often used as a fire-wise plant in zones that are prone to wildfires thanks to a dense growth habit. It also looks stunning when cultivated in hanging baskets on porches or patios. Despite its lovely blossoms, this plant does not produce a fragrance.

The Hearts and Flowers plant is an herbaceous perennial succulent that belongs to the Aizoaceae family. It is generally cultivated as a ground cover or on retaining walls in arid or tropical landscapes, although it does very well with container cultivation. Its typical lifespan may last for 2 to 3 years, after which it will need to be replaced.

Blossoms grace the bright green carpet from the spring through the fall. Growth is rapid and the plant itself remains short reaching 6 to 12 inches in height. It is also known as the

  • Hearts and Flowers Ice plant
  • Heartleaf Ice plant
  • Red Apple Ice plant
  • Baby Sun Rose


Hearts and Flowers Plant Care

Hearts and flowers plant

The Hearts and Flowers plant grows as a sprawling mat that grows in clumps that can reach 3 feet in width when employed as a ground cover, but it looks lovely when cultivated in window boxes or hanging containers.

If planting as a ground cover, position plants 2 to 3 feet apart in the garden bed.



Soil blends should be sandy to ensure good drainage. The Hearts and Flowers plant prefer its soil to have a neutral pH. If you cultivate this plant in a hanging basket, ensure the soil is well draining and aerated as the roots need good air circulation to guarantee health. When choosing soil, try wetting it down and then squeezing it. The soil should crumble rather than a clump. If it tends to clump you need to amend the soil mix with perlite, gravel, pumice, or sand for the best results.



Your hearts and Flowers plant prefers a sunny spot. It can grow in partial shade but will not produce as many blooms as if exposed to full sun. Container plants will do better with full sunlight exposure.



Beautiful pink flower

As a succulent, it’s important not to overwater this plant. The soil bed can be allowed to dry out completely between waterings. Normal rainfall should suffice during the spring and fall seasons. Your ground cover may need additional water in hot summer seasons.

If you are cultivating in a container, make sure there are sufficient drainage holes in the pot. Do not allow this plant to sit in water or soggy soil.

When grown in dry soils, the Hearts and Flowers plant maintains a compact appearance. It can become aggressive if grown in moist soils. If you have any doubts about when to water, know that succulents do store moisture in foliage. If the leaves appear flat, it may be time to rehydrate.



Aptenia Cordifolia likes higher humidity levels but will do fine in both drier and more humid environments. In drier arid environments it may require a bit more watering.



This is a plant that thrives in tropical or arid conditions. It can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 9, 10, and 11. The Hearts and Flowers plant is not truly winter-hardy. If you live in a zone with winter weather, consider cultivating it as an annual or in containers. The lowest temperatures it can tolerate are 20° to 30°F, but not for prolonged periods. It is susceptible to frost damage.



Aptenia Cordifolia

The hearts and Flowers plant does not require any fertilization as it thrives in soil that is nutrient-poor. For good measure, you can apply a slow-release fertilizer at the time of planting.  If you desire robust growth, apply ammonium phosphate a couple of times annually.



You can prune your plant back if it begins to appear leggy. Pruning will stimulate it to regenerate to its natural compact growth habit. You may also want to prune to prevent the plant from growing on top or itself which can lead to unsightly mounds of vegetation. Do not over-prune or you can kill your plant.



If opting for container cultivation, repotting will not need to be done frequently. Being a little bit root bound is not problematic for this plant. Plan on repotting once every two years or so.


Hearts and Flowers Plant Propagation

Hearts and flowers ground covers

The Hearts and Flowers plant can be easily propagated using stem cuttings. Take 4-to-6-inch stem cuttings and remove the lowermost leaves. Place the cutting directly in the soil bed whether in the garden or in a container. The cuttings should take root within several weeks.


Hearts and Flowers Plant Problems

In some areas, this plant can be considered invasive. The Hearts and Flowers plant has naturalized in several states such as California, Oregon, and Florida. The California Invasive Plant Council has declared it to be invasive in California where it has been placed on a list of red alerts for wildland weeds. When cultivated in consistently moist soils it can overtake other vegetation.

While the Hearts and Flowers plant is not susceptible to serious diseases or pest infestations, if the soil bed drains poorly, root rot can set in and destroy the plant. Symptoms include the yellowing of leaves and little to no growth.

Pale foliage can also be a sign that your plant is not getting enough light. This is the principal reason that it succeeds so well as a ground cover, because of the access to light.

Occasionally, mealybugs, slugs, and snails may visit. Spray your plant with insecticidal soap. To ward off slugs and snails, sprinkle the area around your plants with coffee grounds, sand, or crushed eggshells to dissuade these pests from visiting.


Hearts and Flowers Plant Toxicity

Aptenia Cordifolia hearts and flowers

The hearts and Flowers plant is safe for both humans and pets so don’t worry if your furry BFF decides to munch, other than the destruction done to the plant itself.


Can Hearts and Flowers be Cultivated Indoors?

Yes, it can be container cultivated indoors.

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